Efficient Human-like Dexterous Grasping under Uncertainty for Robotics
Imagine that you are reaching into the fridge to grasp an object you can only partially see. Rather than relying solely on vision, you...

Joint Robot-Human Logistics and Assembly in Aerospace
Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=5Fuhk4oKIvY Human robot collaboration on the shop floor presents a...
Grasping a Shape with Uncertain Location
Successful grasp planning requires an appropriate finger placement for which object geometry and location need to be known. Here we...

Exploratory Reach-to-Grasp Trajectories for Uncertain Object Poses
This work addresses the problem of planning the reach-to-grasp trajectory for a robotic arm and hand, when there is uncertainty in the...

Planning Trajectories under Object Pose Uncertainty
Planning in robotics means coping with dynamic and uncertain worlds. Unstructured worlds are perceived by the agent through noisy sensors...