GPAtlasRRT: An exploration strategy for novel object shape modeling In this work, we use a Gaussian Process (GP) as such representation....
Feature-Based Transfer Learning for Robotic Push Manipulation
This work presents a data-efficient approach to learning transferable forward models for robotic push manipulation. Our approach extends...
Grasping a Shape with Uncertain Location
Successful grasp planning requires an appropriate finger placement for which object geometry and location need to be known. Here we...
Two-level RRT Planning for Robotic Push Manipulation
Pushing operations are encountered frequently in robotics, but have received comparatively little attention in the research comunity. In...
Exploratory Reach-to-Grasp Trajectories for Uncertain Object Poses
This work addresses the problem of planning the reach-to-grasp trajectory for a robotic arm and hand, when there is uncertainty in the...
Sequential Trajectory Re-planning for Dexterous Grasping
This work, firstly, describes how to iteratively update localisation knowledge using tactile observations from a previous grasp attempt;...
Planning Trajectories under Object Pose Uncertainty
Planning in robotics means coping with dynamic and uncertain worlds. Unstructured worlds are perceived by the agent through noisy sensors...