TII's Robotics Research for Tomorrow's Technology (R2T2) 2021
I'm SUPER excited to announce the opening of the Call for Abstract for TII's Robotics Research for Tomorrow's Technology (R2T2) seminar...
The Building Culture Podcast
Recently I had the pleasure to be interviewed at the Building Culture Podcast, amazing initiative created and entirely ran by Chandandeep...
My notes on Intro to Computer Systems & Architectures
A computer is a machine designed to process, store, and retrieve data. Data can be numbers in a spreadsheets, characters in a text,...
Frontiers in Neurorobotics
I am very glad to announce that I have just become a Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Frontiers in Neurorobotics. Frontiers in...
Improving Naturalness and Intelligibility of Text-to-Speech Systems
The latest generation of speech synthesis techniques has recently increased the quality of Text-To-Speech (TTS) systems as regarding the...
Efficient Human-like Dexterous Grasping under Uncertainty for Robotics
Imagine that you are reaching into the fridge to grasp an object you can only partially see. Rather than relying solely on vision, you...
Let's Push Things Forwards
As robots make their way out of factories to work alongside humans, it is crucial that they develop the necessary skills to manipulate...
Frontiers in Robotics & AI
I am glad to announce that our paper "Let's Push Things Forward: A Survey on Robot Pushing" has been accepted for publication by...
Joint Robot-Human Logistics and Assembly in Aerospace
Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=5Fuhk4oKIvY Human robot collaboration on the shop floor presents a...
Cybernetic Skivvies (The Economist)
'Cleaning up nuclear wast is obviously a task for robots. But designing 'bots that can do that is hard'. This is how the latest article...